Arborist First Responder Field Guide From TCIA


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This book focuses on first aid response for workers in the tree care industry. The Arborist First Responder Field Guide is complied from TCI Magazine articles written by Dr. John Ball, CTSP and Meghan Johnson, supplemented with first aid-related information critical to an arborists knowledge.

Active slide of Arborist First Responder Field Guide From TCIA


This book focuses on first aid response for workers in the tree care industry. The Arborist First Responder Field Guide is complied from TCI Magazine articles written by Dr. John Ball, CTSP and Meghan Johnson, supplemented with first aid-related information critical to an arborists knowledge.


Dr. Ball is South Dakota State University's plant science professor and campus arborist, but also an instructor for Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support. Meghan Johnson is a SDSU graduate student in the Physician Assistant program.

Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"

Binding: Spiral

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