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Reliant Systemic Fungicide


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Reliant Systemic Fungicide is a Phosphorous based fungicide to be used as a foliar or trunk spray for apple scab control and other fungal diseases of landscape plants. Available in one gallon or 2.5 gallon jug.

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Reliant Systemic Fungicide is a Phosphorous based fungicide to be used as a foliar or trunk spray for apple scab control and other fungal diseases of landscape plants. Available in one gallon or 2.5 gallon jug.


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Reliant Systemic Fungicide can be applied as a soil drench, foliar spray, soil incorporation or as a bare root dip. It works both as a curative and preventative treatment. Can be mixed with Pentra-Bark for great results. Avoid overspray on ground cover.

Effective control of the following diseases in ornamentals, turf, conifers, vegetables and fruit trees:  Phytophthora diseases associated with Sudden Oak Death, Pythium in Turf, Downy Mildew, Fire blight, Crown rot and Root rot and more.

Active Ingredient: Mono- and di-potassium salts of Phosphorous Acid.

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