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Notice for the Notch Sentinel Harness

Safety Update Jun 18th 2021
It has come to our attention that two (2) Notch Equipment Sentinel harnesses have had the plastic housing on the waist buckle come apart. This plastic housing is used to keep the waist buckle seated in position and is not part of a primary life safety system.

It has come to our attention that two (2) Notch Equipment Sentinel harnesses have had the plastic housing on the waist buckle come apart. This plastic housing is used to keep the waist buckle seated in position and is not part of a primary life safety system. The buckle housing failure, while alarming, does not impact the bridge, your primary life safety system, which remains 100% operable.  

The plastic piece on top of the buckle can start to pull away from the metal back piece. With the waste belt
tensioned as instructed in the user instructions, even with the plastic top piece of the buckle missing, the buckle by design cannot release tension on the user.

The Remedy

If you identify any separation between the plastic top piece and metal back piece of the triple lock
buckle on your Sentinel harness, please remove it from service immediately and return it for repair or
replacement by contacting or calling (833) 795-0604. Thank you for putting
your trust in Notch Equipment.