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PHC For Trees

Phospho-jet Systemic Fungicide (Case of 8)


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Phospho-jet from Arborjet is a systemic fungicide for the suppression of various plant diseases, for use in Spring or Fall. Phospho-jet's nutritional properties improve root, stem and leaf growth. Phospho-jet contains the same active ingredient as the very popular Agri-Fos fungicide. * Case of 8

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Phospho-jet from Arborjet is a systemic fungicide for the suppression of various plant diseases, for use in Spring or Fall. Phospho-jet's nutritional properties improve root, stem and leaf growth. Phospho-jet contains the same active ingredient as the very popular Agri-Fos fungicide. * Case of 8


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2018 Updated Label: The same great Phospho-Jet formula has now been labeled for more treatments and application methods, including bark spray, foliar spray, drenches, root dip, and hydroponic systems, as well as tree injection.

Effective treatment for:  Sudden Oak Death, anthracnose, Phytophthora, black spot, scab, fire blight in apple, root rot in avocado and citrus, canker blight and many others.


Mono-and di-potassium salts of Phosphorous Acid:  45.8%