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Notice for the Notch Rope Runner Pro

Safety Update Feb 2nd 2021

It has been brought to our attention that on a small number of the 53420 Rope Runner Pro devices, the bolt that holds the lever plate stationary during the loading and unloading of the rope, can back out during use. The issue is not a safety issue, the bolts only function is to hold the lever plate stationary.

Notch Equipment
496 Gallimore Dairy Rd, Ste D
Greensboro, NC 27409

Serial #’s that may be affected

0001 - 2001

The Remedy

This issue should not be present with later serial #’s of the Rope Runner Pro. On 08/20/2020 a change order was issued specifying that a permanent thread locker be added to this part. If you experience this issue with your Rope Runner Pro, it can be fixed by adding a permanent thread locker, such as red Loctite to the bolt, and tightening as tight as possible by hand. Alternatively, the Rope Runner Pro can be returned for repair by contacting or calling (833) 795-0604. Thank you for putting your trust in Notch Equipment.